RAW Full Form: The Research and Analysis Wing

RAW Full Form: RAW, acronym for the Research and Analysis Wing, stands as India’s foremost national intelligence agency tasked with gathering foreign intelligence. Established in September 1968, RAW operates under the Ministry of External Affairs and conducts covert operations to safeguard India’s security interests globally.

Role and Functions | RAW Full Form

RAW operates by collecting and analyzing intelligence from diverse sources such as media, diplomatic channels, and official networks. Its primary objective is to address threats to India’s security covertly, focusing on foreign espionage activities including data collection, processing, analysis, and dissemination of intelligence.

Purpose and Objectives | RAW Full Form

The chief purpose of RAW is to assist the Indian foreign ministry and other governmental bodies in shaping India’s foreign policy. This involves analyzing international policies, understanding political climates in foreign nations, and serving as a key resource for linguistic expertise. Additionally, RAW facilitates communication between various foreign intelligence services, engages in countering organized crime and terrorism, and conducts espionage and counter-espionage activities.

Targets and Operations:

RAW’s targets include terrorists, spies, fugitives, overseas entities, government officials, and foreign corporations. Collaboration with Western security agencies like GCHQ is common, enabling joint efforts in surveillance and counterterrorism. RAW recruits personnel primarily from educational institutions, maintaining a workforce of around 2000 to 3000 individuals.

Public Perception and Controversies:

While RAW is recognized as India’s premier intelligence agency, it has faced criticism for alleged human rights abuses and controversial covert operations. Notably, RAW’s involvement in aiding Afghan mujahideen fighters during the Soviet-Afghan War has sparked debate regarding its methods and ethical considerations.

Leadership and Achievements:

Since its inception, RAW has been led by seven Directors, with Shri Kiren Rijiju currently at the helm. Noteworthy achievements include thwarting terrorist attacks and preventing conflicts such as the 1971 Indo-Pak War. RAW’s contributions to India’s national security and intelligence landscape are significant, with a direct reporting line to the Prime Minister.

Conclusion | RAW Full Form

In conclusion RAW Full Form, RAW, the Research and Analysis Wing, plays a pivotal role in India’s intelligence apparatus, with a mandate to safeguard national interests and ensure security. As India’s oldest intelligence agency, RAW continues to evolve, adapting to emerging threats and challenges while upholding its mission of protecting India’s sovereignty and strategic interests.

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