India Cleans ₹ 43,000 CR projects to build 6 high-tech submarines

The Defense Acquisition Board (DAC), Apex Indian procurement agency, approved a proposal at a meeting on Friday and the Navy was expected to publish a proposal (RFP) request for this program, called P-75 India immediately, officials said

Ins Karanj, third scorpene submarine, was built by the Mazagon Dock Webuilders Limited and was launched in 2018. The Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited is one of the Indian strategic partners who are cleaned to collaborate with foreign OEMs.
Ministry of Defense on Friday Cleaning Projects worth ₹ 43,000 crore to build six advanced submarines in the country under the ‘Strategic Partnership’ model (SP) to increase the level of Underwater Style India and fight rapid expansion of the Chinese submarine fleet, Defense Words Ministry officials.
The Defense Acquisition Board (DAC), Apex Indian procurement agency, approved a proposal at a meeting on Friday and the Navy was expected to publish a request for proposal (RFP) for this program, called the Indian P-75 immediately, officials said.

This will be the first RFP to be issued based on the SP model, which seeks to provide Fillip to the Make In India program, saying one of the officials quoted above. This model imagines manufacturing customary defense platforms by Indian strategic partners who will collaborate with the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) to regulate production facilities in this country.

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The new submarine will be equipped with an independent propulsion system (AIP) which will allow the ship to remain under water for a longer period and improve their combat skills, the second official said.

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