‘Virus Has Further Adapted to Human Species’: First Image of Omicron Shows More Mutations Than Delta

The new Covid variant Omicron has numerous further mutations than the Delta variant, according to a first “ image”of this new variant originally detected in South Africa, produced and published by the prestigious Bambino Gesu sanitarium in Rome. 

 On the three-dimensional “ image”, which looks like a chart, “ we can easily see that the Omicron variant presents numerous further mutations than the Delta variant, concentrated above all in one area of the protein that interacts with mortal cells”, the platoon of experimenters said in a statement Sunday. 

“ This doesn’t automatically mean that these variations are more dangerous, just that the contagion has further acclimated to the mortal species by generating another variant,”the experimenters said. 

 “ Other studies will tell us if this adaption is neutral, less dangerous or more dangerous,”they added. 

 The exploration platoon concentrated on the hunt for mutations in “ the three-dimensional structure of the shaft protein”, Claudia Alteri, professor of clinical microbiology at Milan State University and a experimenter at Bambino Gesu, told AFP. 

The image was produced “ from the study of the sequences of this new variant made available to the scientific community” coming substantially “ from Botswana, South Africa and Hong Kong”. 

 “ This image, which represents a chart of all the variations, describes the mutations of Omicron but doesn’t define its part,”she said. 

“ It’ll now be important to define through laboratory trials whether the combination of these mutations can have an impact on transmission or on the effectiveness of vaccines, for illustration,”she added. 

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