Taliban urge Afghans to leave Kabul airport after days of deadly chaos

The United States and the other Western powers supported the evacuation of their nationals and some of their Afghan employees from Afghanistan’s independence day airport, which could trigger more protests against Islamists .

The Taliban Thursday urged the crowds of Afghans outside Kabul airport in the hope of fleeing the country to go home, saying they did not want to hurt anyone, one day after the Taliban fighters Drawn during the protesters, killing three witnesses.

The United States and the other Western powers supported the evacuation of their nationals and some of their Afghan employees from Afghanistan’s independence day airport, which could trigger more protests against Islamists .

Although Kabul was generally quiet because Taliban forces entered Sunday after a week of amazing progress across the country, the airport was in the chaos while people rushed for an exit from Afghan capital.

Twelve people have been killed in and around the airport for Sunday, a NATO and a Taliban manager said. The dead were caused either by gunshots or by buffers, the Taliban manager said.

He urged people who do not have legal right to get home. “We do not want to hurt anyone at the airport,” said Taliban manager, who refused to be identified.

About 8,000 people have been stolen since Sunday, said a Western Security Officer. The US military is responsible for the airport while Taliban fighters patrol out of its walled and fenced perimeter.

On Wednesday, the witnesses stated that men armed with Taliban prevented people from entering the airport.

“It’s a complete catastrophe. The Taliban pulled in the tunes, pushing people, beating them with AK-47, “said a person was trying to go out Wednesday.

A Taliban manager said that the commanders and soldiers fired in the air to disperse the crowd. The situation was quieter Thursday, said the witnesses.

Under a Covenant negotiated last year by the administration of former President Donald Trump, the United States decided to withdraw his forces in exchange for a Taliban warranty that they would not leave Afghanistan. used to launch terrorist attacks.

The Taliban also agreed not to attack the foreign forces at their departure.

President Joe Biden stated that US forces would remain until the end of the evacuation of Americans, even if it meant staying beyond 31 August of the United States deadline.

The Taliban put a moderate face, claiming that they have changed since their 1996-2001 rule when they have severely limited women, organized public executions and exploded ancient Buddhist statues.

They now say they want peace in the context of Islamic law.

But there is serious doubts about their assurances.

‘My flag’

The demonstrations in the eastern city of Jalalabad marked Wednesday the first major display of the collective challenge of Taliban controlling.

In normal times, the country celebrated the 1919 independence of Afghanistan of British control on August 19, but scenes in Jalalabad raised the prospect that people could use the patriotic opportunity to protest.

Two witnesses and a former police officer stated that Reuters Taliban combatants opened fire when Jalalabad protests attempted to raise the national flag, kill three years and injury more than a dozen.

Videos The sequences published online and broadcast by media have shown hundreds of people in Jalalabad with the black, red and green tricolor flying roofs and transported by protesters. The media stated that they had torn the flag of the white Taliban.

“I’m going to sacrifice my life for this flag. It’s my flag. My government will soon be back, God willing,” said a protester wrapped in the tricolor in a Sky News report.

The Taliban opposition center is the Panjshir Valley, an ethnic fortress Tajik northeast of Kabul.

During an OP-ED for the Washington Post, Amad Massoud, the leader of the Panjshiri of Afghanistan’s National Resistance Front, called for Western support to combat the Taliban.

“I write about the Panjshir Valley today, ready to follow in the footsteps of my father, with mujahideen fighters who are prepared at once again on the Taliban,” wrote Massoud, son of Amhad Shah Massoud, a guerrilla chief veteran murdered by suspected Al Terrorist in Qaeda on behalf of the Taliban in 2001.

Other former Afghan leaders, of which former President Hamid Karzai, held discussions with the Taliban when they gathered a new government.

The Taliban government can take the form of a leading board with the Supreme Executive Heabatullah Akhundzada in charge, said Waheedullah Hashimi, senior member of the group.

Afghanistan would not be a democracy. “It’s the law of Sharia and that’s it,” he told Reuters.

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