Self-isolating UK PM Boris Johnson urges caution as COVID-19 lockdown legally ends in England

Boris Johnson warns “extreme transmission” from the Delta Coronavirus variant, which continues to maintain the level of infection in this country at a very high level.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Monday urged caution because the limitation of legal locking ended in England with what was called “freedom day”, even when he remained in terms of self isolation after touching the British Health Secretary Javid had tested positive for Covid 19.

Johnson warned “extreme transmission” from the Delta variant of Coronavirus, who continued to maintain the rate of infection in this country at a very high level.

Under the steps of four roadmap the government’s four steps to end the lock, Covid restrictions are now replaced with a guide that emphasizes personal assessment and responsibility in the face mask in the indoor settings and carefully in a big meeting.

“We are doing great openings, and that’s true. If we don’t do it now we will open in the autumn and winter months when the virus has a cold weather advantage. We will lose the valuable Firebreak that we get with school holidays,” said Johnson in the video posted on Twitter.

“If we don’t do it now we have to ask yourself, when will we do it? It is the right time. But we have to do it carefully. We must remember that this virus unfortunately is still out there. Cases increase, we Can see extreme transmission from the Delta variant, “he said.

He reaffirmed the message for everyone to advance for their first or second dose, because the “Massive” National Health Service (NHS) vaccination program has greatly “weakened the link” between infection, hospitalization and death.

“So, please, please be careful. Go to the next step with all the right caution and respect for others and the risk that this disease continues to present,” he added.

He also used the video to clarify the week’s turn by him and Chancellor UK Rishi Sunak, who first announced they would take part in the pilot scheme to continue working from Street Downing despite being contacted by the test and the NHS trail system to isolate themselves after the covid test 19 positive Javid.

“I was asked to isolate myself with the test, trace and isolat system after I made contact with someone who had Covid, in this case, of course the Health Secretary of Sajid Javid,” Johnson said.

“We did see briefly our ideas took part in the pilot scheme, which allowed people to test every day, but I thought it was much more important that everyone adhered to the same rules and that’s why I would isolate myself until Monday July 26.” she says.

Ministers and other cabinet officials who have also been contacted by the NHS system because Javid’s own insulation with covid-19 mild symptoms is also said in quarantine now.

This has caused the business to voice concerns over what is being labeled as “pingdemic”, where people who are vaccinated are forced to isolate themselves for 10 days after contacting someone who then tests the positive Covid-19.

The ministers were urged to prioritize the August 16 timeline for such cases to be able to return to work after a negative Covid-19 test.

The government has made an exception to frontline frontline medical staff and care workers to be able to return to work after negative testing when contacted by the test and trace of the NHS.

“The government has supported health care services every time this global pandemic change and these new rules will fortify our collective defense against this terrible virus, by enabling Frontline which is fully vaccinated NHS and social care staff to continue to work when needed,” Javid said ,

The Opposition Labor Party has raised concerns over the elimination of legal mask requirements and recommendations for working from home if possible as “reckless” and warned “day chaos” on the transportation network when people returned to the office after more than months.

“We do the right thing to approach normal as possible, as soon as possible,” said Minister of Vaksin UK Nadhim Zahawi.

Other parts of England have various levels of locking locking rules, with Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland all still follow mandatory face masks and limited household mixing rules. Meanwhile in England, there was a long queue outside the nightclub when they opened at midnight taking advantage of the new rules.

On Sundays, England recorded 48,161 cases of Coronavirus and 25 other deaths. It follows the advantages of 50,000 cases recorded every day on Friday and Saturday, the highest since mid-January.

Nearly 88 percent of adults in the UK have the first dose of the Covid vaccine, and 68.3 percent have both, raising hope that infection will not lead to rapid gains in hospitalization and death.

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