‘No secrecy anymore’: Taliban say world will soon see all their leaders

From no education for women to give an interview with a presented woman, the Taliban want to convey the message that has come a long way, although the reports and videos of the atrocities paint a different image.

In a surprise movement, the Taliban who managed to capture Afghanistan easily after the United States began withdrawing its troops, the insurgent group addressed a press conference on Tuesday that triggers the discussion about Taliban 1.0 and Taliban 2.0, probably a lighter version . Distance from his previous hard posture, leadership on Tuesday said they do not want any rivalry inside or outside. Amnesty for all, the rights of women, freedom of the press are the official policies of the Taliban now that it is willing to govern the country. Taliban leaders also interacted with journalists who were present at the meeting.

“Slowly, gradually, the world will see all our leaders, there will be no shadow of the secret,” said Taliban high-level official, who refused to be identified.

Hibatullah Akhundado and Abdul Ghani Baradar are the two main components of the Taliban today. Baradar is one of the group’s founding members, the other that is Mullah Mohammed Omar. Zabihullah Mujahid who went to the press meeting is the spokesman of the group. But it was a rare occasion that came to board the press and interacted with them, since most of their previous communications were through video / audio messages.

Attempt to be in the mainstream

The recent movements of the Taliban after arriving at Kabul indicate that they are looking for greater acceptance by Afghans. At the same time, they are trying an image image change and that is why they now want to leave their shadow of secrecy. When the Taliban were in the power of 1996 to 2001, they were recognized only by Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. This time, they are looking for more acceptance.

Taliban Attack Women, Children at Kabul Airport Despite the Peace Promise: Report

After the Taliban fighters arrived in Kabul on August 15, the leadership announced that there will be no bloodshed. There will not be celebration either. Since the world is closely observing Kabul, Leadership is cautious for not sending a wrong message to the world through no error, especially in Kabul.

On Tuesday, an interview with a Taliban spokesman was the Telecast in Tolo’s news and a female news presentation interviewed the Taliban spokesman, Mawlawi Abdulhaq Hemad.

“We told them, we looked, a woman is going to interview you,” said Saad Mohseni, the founder of Tolo News told the guardian. “And they said well, they could have said Easily SC ***, they run the country, they can do what they want,” said Saad Mohseni. The news channel briefly sent his reporters home on Sunday after the Taliban arrived in Kabul, but then became “always”.

Words versus action

However, the gap between the words and actions of the Taliban has already begun to show. The reports said women and children at Kabul airport were attacked by Taliban fighters. According to reports, a woman was murdered in Takhar’s province for not using a Burqa. In Bamyan, the Statue of the Hazara leader, the statue of Abdul Ali Mazari, has burned an amusement park in Sheberghan, as there were idols and idols are illegal in Islam.

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