New Delhi: Industrialist Anand Mahindra, who’s regarded for sharing thrilling social media posts, has left Twitter customers grinning with glee again. On Tuesday, the Mahindra Group chairman shared a photo of a road in Brooklyn, New York which by the way stocks its call with the road on which the legitimate house of the British Prime Minister is located. The photo indicates a road with a sign-board which reads “Downing St”.
The photo become published with the aid of using Mr Mahindra some hours earlier than Liz Truss become named because the UK’s subsequent Prime Minister, prevailing an inner management contest of the ruling Conservative party. She defeated her rival, former Finance Chancellor Rishi Sunak after a summer-lengthy management contest sparked with the aid of using Boris Johnson’s resignation in July.
Mr. Mahindra’s tongue-cheek put up counseled that the runner-up of the high ministerial race might also additionally derive a few solace after the ache of lacking out at the seat. The namesake cope with ought to provide a few consolation to the defeated after a feisty contest which noticed Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss conflict every different on problems inclusive of taxation rates, National Health Service and the environment.
“This one’s in Brooklyn, NY, now no longer London. As a consolation, whoever misses out at the Prime Ministership these days ought to gather a house there….,” Mr Mahindra captioned the put up.
The put up has over extra than 1,760 likes.
” That’s one manner of having there,” wrote one user. “Curious to realize wherein you get your wit from….,” brought another.
Anand Mahindra is an avid Twitter user. He regularly stocks engrossing posts that pique the hobby of customers.