Prime Minister Modi Should Not Attend Biden’s Summit for Democracy

We the proud denizens of New India are simply thwarted by why our cherished high minister, Honorable Narendra Modiji, has agreed to share in US President Joe Biden’s so- called Summit for Democracy. 

 Who are these Americans to try to hold a tutorial for world leaders about republic? 

It’s well conceded that every country has a right – as also a public duty – to concoct a political system stylish suited to its civilisational genius. In ancient India, we were exercising evolved republic much before the Americans were still learning how to kill off the natives. Modiji himself has constantly reminded the world that it’s India, and not Greece, that’s the mama of republic. 

 It’s a matter of great literal tragedy that India has been deprived of its civilisational glory and substance because an alien and imported leader like Jawaharlal Nehru claimed on wishing western generalities of republic and civil liberties down our collaborative throat. This Nehruvian preoccupation with so- called republic delayed our public revivification by decades. 

There’s no blue- book on republic that Biden can be allowed to gesture at world leaders. Clearly not in a gathering that would include Modiji, who has been tagged as the undisputed leader in the largest election in world history. 

 What conceivably can Modiji learn from this American exercise? And, if we go by their pretensions in the history, the Americans will next presume to tell us what’s wrong with our republic. This peak’s docket, ominously enough, is slated to be a focus on “ internal reforms and transnational action”. 

This is a slightly disguised ruse to meddle in the internal affairs of other countries like Bharat. 

 Compared to the robust defence of Chinese republic by Chinese intellectualists and editorial pens, it’s disturbing that no bone in India has supposed it necessary to tell off the Americans. Maybe the Chinese have good enough reason to suspect what the Americans are really over to they want a accreditation to wage war on despotism. Has the world not formerly suffered enough because the Americans unilaterally decided to wage a war against terror? 

We’re particularly dismayed that our high minister has been advised to take part in a massive talkathon in which civil society has been invited as an equal mate. This is curious. This is inexplainable. 

 Only veritably lately, our wise National Security Adviser had advised the country about the underbelly of this so- called civil society. Headdresses off to Ajit Doval. He performed his professional dharma when he summoned all his vast experience as an intelligence case officer to anatomize how forces inimical to India’s public interest access, insinuate and manipulate civil society. This kind of plain-talking wasn’t all palatable to the Khan Market liberals. So be it. 

Our agencies have gone to considerable lengths to choke off the civil society groups. But, now, the sweet’ble high minister’s participation in a grand conference where civil society gets equal billing is bound to embolden groups and individualities who don’t wish “ Naya Bharat” well. 

 It gives us no pleasure to presume that maybe the Prime Minister’s Office was deceived and misrepresented by the Ministry of External Affairs, now presided over by a man known for his propinquity to the American establishment. Our bitter experience is that this Washington Gang is no friend of India, and it’s clearly unhappy that Hindutava groups and organisations are now playing such a robust part in reshaping Naya Bharat. 

President Biden is no saint when it comes to observing the rules of the game. The whole world now acknowledges that India’s friend and well-wisher, Donald Trump, was cheated out of another four times in the White House. A country that doesn’t indeed have an independent and independent Election Commission like ours deigns to play third arbiter in other countries’ popular choices. What insincerity! 

 We believe that by sharing in the so- called Summit for Democracy, our high minister is advancing legality to American global arrogance. Not only that, the cunning State Department has sought to matriculate Modiji’s participation because the Democratic Party’s strategists know that as the world’s only global leader, he can’t only mesmerise choosers in India but can also swing votes in the US. It’s no secret that President Biden’s party is going to face a veritably rough time in coming time’s Congressional choices. 

We’ve nothing to learn from the Americans. We’re the Vishwagurus.

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